Awards of the 27th Media Festival have gone to their winners

We already know the winners of this year’s Media Festival “Man in Danger”. Grand Prix – the Award of the City of Łódź and the White Cobra statuette went to Aniela Gabryel.
The jury composed of: Sławomir Grunberg, Ryszard Jaźwiński, Katarzyna Kubacka-Seweryn and Anna Zamecka has awarded and distinguished ten authors of documentary films and reportages. The awards were given during an official gala held in the Film Museum on November 25.
Grand Prix – the Award of the City of Łódź and the White Cobra statuette: Aniela Gabryel – “When Will This Wind Stop”
“Patient Eye” Award named after Kazimierz Karabasz founded by the National Centre for Culture: Marcin Borchardt – “The Beksiński Family. Videophonic Album”
Award named after Aleksander Kamiński: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz – “The Mine”
Award of the Polish Filmmakers Association goes to Julia Groszej for the film titled “Arabic Secret”
Best Report Award: Beata Hyży-Czołpińska – “The Centre of Forest Closest to the Absolute”
Award of the University of the Third Age: Grzegorz Linkowski – “An Animal on Paper”
Honorary mentions for documentary films: Aleksandra Rek – “Zdzinek, Who Do You Want to Be”, Monika Meleń – “For Stanley by Stanley”
Honorary mentions for reportages: Daniel Liszkiewicz – “This Is Not How I Imagined Being Old”, Monika Skrzypczak for a report “A Little Bit Sick”